The first and most important lesson in modeling: being pretty is not enough.

The first and most important lesson in modeling: being pretty is not enough.
Hi, I’m Ana and I’m from Bucharest, Romania. I was born in the countryside, so I’m a country girl at heart, but I love exploring the always bustling cities. I’m what I’d like to call an omni-artist: I love all forms of art from digital art to theater or dance (I’ve tried singing too, but I don’t want to talk about it). I’m interested also in fashion design and it was only a matter of time until I started exploring the modeling industry too, since I also consider it a form of art.
Modeling has been on my bucket list for quite a long time. Naturally, since I was the tallest girl in my school. Not only that, but I grew up with a seamstress mom and I loved drawing, so we made all sorts of clothes together and I “modeled” them in front of our friends and family: that’s where all the “you should become a model” comments have started to become more frequent. I thought about it, but I was too busy focusing on my education and, basically, on growing up. One day, MUR’s model scouter contacted me through Instagram and asked me if I would like to come to a casting. I was hesitant at first, because the scouter was also a model and she looked too beautiful to be real. However, I took the risk and I’m so glad I did.
My first test shooting was a whole collaboration with a makeup artist, a photographer and a stylist. The theme was music festival, so I had to look like I was having fun. Was I having fun? A lot, I was enjoying it every bit. But being my first test shooting and being so rusty and so nervous, I looked like I hated my life and I wanted to go home. I looked at the final product: I was pretty, yes, but I looked miserable. That also taught me the first and most important lesson in modeling: being pretty is not enough.
What’s the best thing about modeling for you so far? Escaping my everyday life and getting to be someone else for a bit. When I do shootings, it’s like time stops. It’s just me, the camera and the story we want to portray through the photos. I have many responsibilities as a model, of course, but the feeling of escapism that shootings give me really makes it worth it.
I’m a firm believer that models and photographers can learn a lot from each other.
The dumbest thing I’ve heard a model say was “I’m getting fat, I have to starve myself”. I can’t stress it enough: you can certainly keep slim and still eat three nutritious meals a day. Sure, you need to discipline yourself and your eating habits, but don’t even think about starving.
I love fashion. I mainly take inspiration from the 90s and 00s, but I also love taking more vintage stuff and adding my own twist to it. Most of my clothes are either thrifted or custom made by my mom. I prefer wearing casual basics, like jeans, t-shirts, sneakers, but when I need to dress up for something I surely turn it up.
Model’s Style Description:
- Dating: Not a priority. However, as soon as someone has the same sense of humor as me, I’m falling in love instantly. Being respectful to waiters is a bonus too.
- Love: Love comes in all forms: friends, family, romantic partners. But self-love?! That is much rarer than people give credit. But once you have it, you’re basically unstoppable.
- Sports: The usual working out to keep fit. Besides that, does dancing count as a sport?
- Your way to attract someone´s attention: I stare at them until they notice me. Some people find it creepy, others intriguing. That’s also how I filter them out.
- Your way to have fun: I find fun in everything I do, from playing video games to going out with my friends to getting lost in a forest. It’s my most prized quality.
- The places you usually go: As much as I love loud music and having fun, I love spending times at coffee shops. They always smell so good and I get to see all sorts of people without flashing lights and loud sounds. It’s almost like we’re all friends and we’re all having coffee or tea together.
- Your way to enjoy the best of life: I try to stay as far away from gossip as much as possible. I don’t watch the news and I don’t read comments. It helped me shift my focus on the things that matter to me and make me happy.
- The craziest (nastiest?) thing you’ve ever done in a summer time season: Well as I said, I’m a country girl, so having to help mom clean the chicken coop. I won’t elaborate, especially on the smell.
- Fav body part and why: My friends tell me they feel like I’m staring into their soul whenever I look at them.
- Favorite singer: Corey Taylor. For various reasons.
- Fav food: I’d say cinnamon rolls but since this is my modeling agency’s website I’ll say chicken and veggie salad.
- Your guilty pleasure: Where do i start?! I love campy movies like Death Becomes Her or Devil Wears Prada (Meryl Streep please adopt me already)
- If you weren´t a model you´d be: Very sad about it.